How to Order

Thank you for shopping on DE'LANCI Store. If this is your first time to shop online or at our store, below are the step-by-step process to make your buying experience a smooth, hassle-free one.

1. To place an order, add items into your cart.

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2. Click your cart icon on the top right to review your items.

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3. Once you're ready to pay for your purchase, click the "Checkout" button to be directed to the Checkout Page. Create an account with us or log in to your account if you already have one.

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4.After providing the required information above, click the "Continue to shipping method" button and choose your preferred method. For more details, check out our shipping page.

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5.Once shipping details are provided, choose the payment method and provide the required details. Also, if you have a discount code, please input it on the box provided on the right side.

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6. Complete your order by logging on to your Paypal account.Once successful, we will send you email to confirm your purchase.

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And that's it. Six simple steps.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly customer service representative at